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Welcome to our gallery.
The following authors are represented in our site:
The Black & White part of the site contains:
Life of railway station. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Lenten borsch. Olga Stolyarchuk.
Whole world in palm. Olga Stolyarchuk.
Bells. Olga Stolyarchuk.
A bench. Leningrad women. Stanislav Chabutkin.
About health. Pavel Shakulin.
About soul. Alexander Shurlakov.
About tram. Sergey Militsky.
A dialogue with master. Alexander Shurlakov.
A dream. Sergey Militsky.
A kind person from Likhoslavl. Alexander Krasotkin.
Aleksey, God's man. Alexander Krasotkin.
A little cobweb. Irina Sharova.
A little goat. Stanislav Chabutkin.
A look. Irina Sharova.
Aluminium cucumbers. Alexander Ivannikov.
A man-caused fisherman. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
A merry-go-round. Alexander Shurlakov.
A moment of one day. Alexander Shurlakov.
And for me God. Dusan B. Hadnadjev.
... appearing a sail white. Alexander Shurlakov.
A poker-work. Irina Sharova.
A pray. Alexander Shurlakov.
Archistratig. Alexander Shurlakov.
A ray. Alexander Shurlakov.
Archistratig. Invisible world. Alexander Shurlakov.
A social problem. Stanislav Chabutkin.
At exhibition dedicated to 100 years from canonizing of St. Seraphim Sarovsky. Photo by Alexander Shurlakov.
At exhibition "My wings are sky"
2. Igor Krupka.
At icon workshop's
2. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov .
Autumnal Uglich. Andrey Klyuev.
Autumn in Spasky Lutovinov. Alexander Fursov.
A white day. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Bells. Yana Svyatkina.
Black & white April. Alexander Krasotkin.
Black & white life or you're welcome. Alexander Shurlakov.
Bonnets. Irina Sharova.
Boundary. Agate Zalite.
Boy and his shadow. Marina Lisogorova.
Boy, Yalta, gulls' flight.... Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
Bridge. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Byciclist and doggy. Marina Lisogorova.
Carlo. Irina Sharova.
Checkhov. A pound at Lansky's estate. Andrey Klyuev.
Children are writing to God
7. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
Christening. Alexander Krasotkin.
Church of Vladimirsk Blessed Virgin in Bykovo. Sergey Militsky.
Clover. Alexander Shurlakov.
2. Sergey Minaev.
Cross amidst us. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
Cry. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Dandelions. Andrey Klyuev.
Darya. Alexander Krasotkin.
Demonstration 1
2. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Doctor chiromantist. Alexander Krasotkin.
Doubts. Alexander Ainetdinov.
Drops. Lyudmila Zhurbitskaya.
Earthy scope. Alexander Shurlakov.
Echo of olden time. Alexander Shurlakov.
Electric power station. The labyrinths.
Evening. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
Exaltation of the Cross. Alexander Shurlakov.
Faces of the street. Sergey Militsky.
Father Andrey Kuraev. Alexander Shurlakov.
Father Avgustin. Vasiliy Rud.
Father Nicholay. There is a page dedicated to blessed memory of elder Nicholay Guryanov
respected by Orthodox believers.
Father. The last spring. Alexander Shurlakov.
Fathers, brothers, sisters
4. Alexander Shurlakov.
Father Vladimir. Tatiana Vinnik.
First Communion. Alexander Krasotkin.
Fivaida. Brothers. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Fivaida. Monastery
2. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Fivaida. Portraits
2. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Fivaida. Religious procession. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Flight. Alexander Ainetdinov.
Friends. Alexander Krasotkin.
From nowhere to nowhere. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Footwear. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Garden. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Girl. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Glass. Alexander Shurlakov.
Grand piano. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Have you thought to be a photographer was easy? It's great!. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Hermitage. Alexander Shurlakov.
House. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
In Crimea. Dmitrii Maltsev.
In outskirts of Borovsk. Alexander Krasotkin.
Into good hands. Alexander Shurlakov.
Just arrived. Alexander Fursov.
Kiev's Temples. Yana Svyatkina.
Kind people. Vladimir Tretyakov.
Kind rhythm. Alexander Shurlakov.
Kizhi. Andrey Klyuev.
Kolya Khokhol and his friends. Alexander Krasotkin.
Liberty wherewith Christ
2. Alexander Shurlakov.
Light. Sergey Militsky.
Liza. A Suburban portarait. Alexander Krasotkin.
Lunch. Yana Svyatkina.
Lupins. Andrey Klyuev.
Madonna of change time. Sergey Militsky.
Man. Overcoming. Alexander Shurlakov.
Memory. Sergey Militsky.
Mila. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Mirage. Irina Sharova.
Moments of Holy Russia
4. Lyudmila Ivanova.
Morning. Agate Zalite.
Mountain view
4. Andrey Klyuev.
Needlework. Irina Sharova.
Nicholas Urupino. Alexander Fursov.
Nonchance fortuities. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
Old Kyiv. Alexander Shurlakov.
Once lived a man. Stanislav Chabutkin.
One of the last in village. Sergey Militsky.
On Nizhnyaya Krynka
4. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov .
On the way to Solovki. Andrey Kuznetsov.
Our future. Alexander Shurlakov.
Our trace. Alexander Shurlakov.
Palm Sunday. Alexander Shurlakov.
Pigeon. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Pilgrimage on Holy places of Russia. Tatyana Bondarenko.
Portraits. Alexander Ivannikov.
3. Celibate priest Feofan.
Portrait and bouquet. Alexander Shurlakov.
Portraits. Lyudmila Ivanova.
Portraits. Pavel Shakulin.
Prison. Alexander Shurlakov.
Pure ponds. The page of the site dedicated to memory of Igor Talkov. The photo materials were taken from the site
To memory of Igor Talkov dedicated...
Rain, leaves, silence. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
Religious procession. Celibate priest Feofan.
Religious procession. The moments
2. Nikolay Breev.
Rose. Irina Sharova.
Rose. Vladimir Tretyakov.
Sadness has come. Alexander Krasotkin.
Saint kingly martyrs
2. Andrey Chezhin.
Serpukhov. At cathedral hill. Andrey Klyuev.
Serpukhov. A view of Troitsky cathedral. Andrey Klyuev.
Serpukhov lace. Andrey Klyuev.
Serpukhov lilac. Andrey Klyuev.
Serpukhov summer. Andrey Klyuev.
Serpukhov. Voskresensky descent
2. Andrey Klyuev.
Sheamonks. Celibate priest Feofan.
Shishkin's forest. Alexander Shurlakov.
3. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Silence. Agate Zalite.
Smoke. Andrey Klyuev.
Sophiysky cathedral. Tsarist village. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Spiritual affinity. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
Splinter. Irina Sharova.
Square. Catherine Stepanova.
St. Georgey cathedral in Makeevka town. Byzantium after Byzantium. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
Still life. Alexander Shurlakov.
Still life 1
4. Stanislav Chabutkin.
St. Trinity Sergie Lavra. Andrey Klyuev.
Sudak. The breath of eternity. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
Summer rain. Sergey Militsky.
Summer's gone. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Suzdal. Fyodor Boyarshinov.
Tenderness. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
The builders of temple. Pavel Shakulin.
The court yard. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
The Equilibrium. Spring. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
The Equilibrium. Autumn. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
The firewood for the winter. Andrey Klyuev.
The infinity. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
The light of heaven. Alexander Fursov.
The mittens. Alexander Krasotkin.
The offertory. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
The profound bow. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
The renascent cathedral of Blagoveshchensky monastery, Kem, Karelia. Yana Svyatkina.
The revelation of the world. Sergey Militsky.
The righteous. A page dedicated to memory of schiarchimandrite Zosima (Sokur).
The Saviour. Alexander Shurlakov.
The shadow of time. Stanislav Chabutkin.
The warmth of man hands. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
The way to the light. Alexander Krasotkin.
They won't take away sky from us. Alexander Shurlakov.
Thought. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Tell me again, mother.... Dusan B. Hadnadjev.
To Cross. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Tocsin. Repentance requirement. Sergey Militsky.
Towards the light. Vladimir Tretyakov.
Trees. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Truly arisen!
3. Georgiy Kolosov.
Two mites. Alexander Shurlakov.
Uglich. Andrey Klyuev.
Uncle Shura. Sergey Militsky.
Volodya, a homeless man. Stanislav Chabutkin.
Volosky cloister. Gleb Uralov.
Walk on Bykovo
2. Sergey Militsky.
Water and stone. Stanislav Chabutkin.
We are autumn leaves. Alexander Krasotkin.
We build the temple
From photo archive of the temple of St. Seraphim Sarovsky in Makeevka.
Well. Irina Sharova.
Winter patterns. Agate Zalite.
Winter song. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Within the temple. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
7. Georgiy Kolosov.
Word. Alexander Shurlakov.
All photographs represented on this site can be placed on orthodoxy web sites and used for orthodoxy publications with agreement of authors. Please don't forget to make reference to our site and mention photographer's name.
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