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The following authors are represented in our site:
The color part of the site contains:
1013 years in Rus. Irina Sharova.
Abandonment. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
About dandelions. Irina Sharova.
A card from Burgundy. Irina Sharova.
A day dream. Deacon Dimitrii Voznesenskiy.
A fly to the sky. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
A fuzzy rainbow caprise. Irina Sharova.
A girl with flowers. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
Air temple. Vasiliy Rud.
Anna. Vladimir Mikhailov.
A little house. Sergey Militsky.
Alive water of source. Priest Dimitrii Dubinin.
Altaic landscapes. Deacon Igor Kataev. (Igor Kataev's home page)
A leaf. Lyudmila Zhurbitskaya.
A lullaby. Gleb Uralov.
A pilgrim. Alexander Shurlakov.
A pilgrimage in 2004. Lyudmila and Nadezhda.
Approaching of the rain. Priest Dimitrii Dubinin.
A pray in vestibule. Alexander Shurlakov.
A rise of the glass. Gleb Uralov.
A sail. Irina Sharova.
A service in deserted temple. Irina Sharova.
A sketch. Alexander Shurlakov.
At Russian out-of-the-way place
6. Gennadiy Yurchenko.
As usual. Andrey Klyuev.
A tear. Deacon Dimitrii Voznesenskiy.
Athos. The Monastery
2. Dionisii Pokrovskii.
At icon workshop's 1
2. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
At play with reflections. Irina Sharova.
Autumn 1
2. Alexander Fursov.
Autumn. Lyudmila Zhurbitskaya.
Autumn in Chernigov. Victor Mikhalchenko.
2. Alexander Morokov.
Black coffee. Alexander Shurlakov.
Blessing © Copyright Kaliningradsky cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Brother meal © Copyright Decani Monastery
Budyonovka. Sergey Militsky.
Bumblebee. Lyudmila Zhurbitskaya.
By Your word let me cast the net. Deacon Dimitrii Voznesenskiy.
Carman. Alexander Shurlakov.
Colors of France
2. Irina Sharova.
Crimea. Sergey Minaev.
Christ has arisen!. Andrey Gromovoi.
Cristmas frosts. Irina Sharova.
Cross in the sky. Vitaliy Shumilo.
Dahlia. Lyudmila Zhurbitskaya.
Dance. Irina Sharova.
Domes. Alexander Shurlakov.
Domes. Anna Olshanskaya.
Domes in blood. Gleb Uralov.
Double Extension. Irina Sharova.
Elder. Alexander Shurlakov.
Epiphany. Celebration in Saint Seraphim temple in Makeevka, 2003
2. Alexander Shurlakov.
Evening Donetsk. Alexander Shurlakov.
Father Gavriil. Alexander Shurlakov.
Father Ilarion. Vasiliy Rud.
Father Seraphim. Irina Sharova.
Feeling. Sergey Militsky.
Fire. Deacon Igor Kataev. (Igor Kataev's home page)
Fishes. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Flame. Sergey Minaev.
3. Alexander Shurlakov.
Forgiving. Sergey Militsky.
For my friend. Alexander Shurlakov.
For potato. Gennadiy Yurchenko.
Fortress. Vasiliy Rud.
French market. Irina Sharova.
From oven's life. Gennadiy Yurchenko.
From shoes' life. Sergey Militsky.
Gold of sunset. Priest Dimitrii Dubinin.
Gone. Irina Sharova.
Happy New Year!. Irina Sharova.
Harbor. Vasiliy Rud.
Heruvim's Song. Dusan B. Hadnadjev.
Holy Island
2. Victor Gritsyuk. ( Dedicated to St. Alexander Svirsky).
Image. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
In Amsterdam. Alexander Krasotkin.
In forest. Dmitrii Maltsev.
Into silence. Alexander Shurlakov.
Iris. Sergey Militsky.
It was spring yesterday. Alexander Shurlakov.
Joseph Volosky monastery. Gleb Uralov.
Kiev-Pechersky Lavra. Vasiliy Rud.
Kolomna. Fyodor Boyarshinov.
Le Figaro. Irina Sharova.
Life in the grass or: Warning! Look underfoot!. Alexander Morokov.
Light. Victor Dunaev.
Lilies. Lyudmila Zhurbitskaya.
Lily. Tatiana Vinnik.
Liturgy. Dusan B. Hadnadjev.
Locust. Priest Dimitrii Dubinin.
Meeting. Alexander Ainetdinov.
Monastery in Lesna. In the yard. Irina Sharova.
Monastery landscape. Anna Olshanskaya.
Morning. Alexander Shurlakov.
Morning pray. Vasiliy Rud.
Moses's tear. Priest Dimitrii Dubinin.
Mountain view
5. Andrey Klyuev.
My hands is my love. Dusan B. Hadnadjev.
My river Tisa. Dusan B. Hadnadjev.
Nature slices. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Neighbors. Vasiliy Rud.
Newly-fallen snow. Priest Dimitrii Dubinin.
Night beat. Priest Dimitrii Dubinin.
Nilova hermitage. Victor Gritsyuk.
Nizhni Novgorod. Irina Sharova.
October. Vasiliy Rud.
Old tulip. Sergey Militsky.
On the river Uch. Priest Dimitrii Dubinin.
Orthodoxy Bulgaria.
2 Nikolay Treyman.
Our green-tree chopped. Irina Sharova.
Over skyies. Alexander Shurlakov.
Pafnutiev Borovsky monastery. Sergey Militsky.
Palm Sunday. Irina Sharova.
Patmos Island. Monastery of St. John the Theologian. Igor Chukin. ("Byzantium". The modern encyclopedia of Orthodoxy Art)
Pereyaslavl. Fyodor Boyarshinov.
Perhaps that's the way to be. Deacon Dimitrii Voznesenskiy.
2. Alexander Shurlakov.
Place of thoughts. Holy hillok of Pskov Pechersky monastery. Priest Dimitrii Dubinin.
Plavsk. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
Play from all heart. Vera Lyubarova.
Pochaevskaya. Vasiliy Rud.
Polenovo. Irina Sharova.
Portraits. 1 2. Alexander Shurlakov.
Here you can find the portraits of Donbass priests.
Poppy. Sergey Militsky.
Portraits. Alexander Ivannikov.
2. Dusan B. Hadnadjev.
Portraits. Vasiliy Rud.
Pray before Eucharist. Irina Sharova.
Prayer. Vladimir Tretyakov.
Pskovo-Pecherski Monastery. Victor Gritsyuk.
Pushchino. Irina Sharova.
Rainbow. Deacon Igor Kataev. (Igor Kataev's home page)
Rays. Irina Sharova.
Reflex of Christmas. Irina Sharova.
Religious procession. Alexander Shurlakov.
Religious procession. Exaltation of the Cross. Pavel Shakulin.
Renascence. Lyudmila and Nadezhda.
Return. Anna Olshanskaya.
Roma. Walls.Priest Maxim Obukhov.
Round the corner. Irina Sharova.
Russian winter
3. Anna Olshanskaya.
Sea sounds. Gleb Uralov.
Serbian monk's portrait. Irina Sharova.
Service © Copyright Kaliningradsky cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Shepherd. Dusan B. Hadnadjev.
Silence. Irina Sharova.
Silence. Agate Zalite.
3. Andrey Kuznetsov.
Catherine Stepanova.
Solovki. Sergey Militsky.
Spring 1
2. Alexander Fursov.
Spring salut. Alexander Morokov.
Starobeshevo. Warming. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Still life. Glass slumbers. Alexander Fursov.
Still life. Money. Alexander Fursov.
Still life. Out of metal. Alexander Fursov.
Stone. Vasiliy Rud.
Street lamp. Irina Sharova.
Summer 1
2. Alexander Fursov.
Sunny Boy. Dusan B. Hadnadjev.
Sunny Girl. Dusan B. Hadnadjev.
"Take up everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in...". Anna Olshanskaya.
Temple of St. Blessed Ksenia of Petersburg in Donetsk. Alexander Shurlakov.
"Thank You for showing us the Light!..". © Copyright Decani Monastery
The Baptizing by light. Dmitrii Skachkov.
The bells. Levan Gabechava.
The building of cathedral © Copyright Kaliningradsky cathedral of Christ the Saviour
The capture of snowy town. Irina Sharova.
The Cell. (Svyatogorsky St. Assumption monastery). Alexander Shurlakov.
The color of October. Gleb Uralov.
The Father
5. Photographs of Saint Assumption and Nicholas Vasyly monastery community are dedicated to blessed memory
of schiarchimandrite Zosima.
The first frosts. Priest Dimitrii Dubinin.
The flowers. Alexander Shurlakov.
The funeral of schiarchimandrite Zosima. Vasiliy Rud.
The grave of celibate priest Seraphim Rose. Leonid Sharaev.
The Kovalevs family. Alexander Shurlakov.
The light. Alexander Ainetdinov.
The lilies. Priest Nikolay Katalnikov.
The monastery obedience
     In the kitchen © Copyright Decani Monastery
     In the workshop © Copyright Decani Monastery
     In the farm-yard © Copyright Decani Monastery
The righteous. A page dedicated to memory of schiarchimandrite Zosima (Sokur).
"There, where no us...". Alexander Shurlakov.
...these chatterer talk like sounds of the waves. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
The state of nature. Pavel Shakulin.
The victims of shipwreck. Alexander Krasotkin.
Through the window. Irina Sharova.
Time. Sergey Militsky.
Time to go. Following. Bye.... Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
To coffee-lovers. Anna Olshanskaya.
To Lord. Vasiliy Tkachenko.
"To climb to a mountain of Pochaev"
3. Victor Gritsyuk.
Tower-room. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Trace. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Trinity. Alexander Morokov.
Triumph. Priest Dimitrii Dubinin.
Tver expanses
2. Anna Olshanskaya.
Two generations. Alexander Ainetdinov.
Universe is under feet. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
View. Sergey Militsky.
Views of Decani Monastery
Volhynia. Vasiliy Rud.
Vyatka's motives. Priest Dimitrii Dubinin.
Wall. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Warmth. Vladimir Stolyarchuk.
Ways. Marina Lisogorova.
Way to monastery. Levan Gabechava.
Whitsunday. Tatiana Vinnik.
Windows. Gleb Uralov.
Winter 1
2. Alexander Fursov.
Zayatski island. Solovki. Yevgenii Goryunov.
All photographs represented on this site can be placed on orthodoxy web sites and used for orthodoxy publications with agreement of authors. Please don't forget to make reference to our site and mention photographer's name.
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