Here you can find the series of photographs: "Winter" 1 2. "Spring" 1 2. "Summer" 1 2. "Autumn" 1 2. "Still life. Glass slumbers". (Series). "Still life. Out of metal". (Series). "Still life. Money". (Series). "Yuriev-Polskiy. Monastery of st. Archangel Michael". "Boldino. Sketch in yellow". "Last bow". "Evening in Kalyazin". "Nicola in Ustie". "Cross". "Sing about Kalyazin". "Temple of Virgin's Protection in Nerla. April". "Winter in Martyukhi". "Winter in Zvenigorod". "Evening in Kraskovo". "February". "Pine-tree". "Far off in Russia". "Savior on Kovalyovo". "Old Russa. Resurrection cathedral". "The church of Michael Archangel in Archangelsk". "At John the Theologian". "Glazovo. Last snow". "Sketch in grey-blue". "Towers of Solovki". "Solovki. Long evening". "Pastorale of Solovki".
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