From photographs of festival:
In conscious of most people there is a stable and build up attitude that keeps on remaining toward a priest like a man "not of this world" in the true sense of the word: his world - separated from ours, it's far and unintelligible, inaccessible.
Moreover, identifying the word "priest" and equating it with catholic "saint father" and enclosing in it true sense of the word, non-church people finally close in their imagination the access to pastors from "our sinful world". This fact, in its turn, causes some fear toward priest. Even having entered in a temple person can't bring himself to turn to parson with a question, a problem, some pain, person is ashamed of asking "saint father" minute questions. And questions remain open, the problem is not solved and pain within. It can take lots of time before a person understands that there are no minute questions for priest and all questions are actual whatever small it may seem or be. Whoever turns to parson for help, he certainly attends everyone, be it a child or an elder.
The good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep (John 10, 11).
On the other hand, nonordinary of priest and all that is beyond the scope of usual stereotype attracts great interest of mass media reporters. New articles and sketches appear. Society discovers "earth" origin of parson with astonishment.
In youth I was keen on parachute sport, military service was conducted in airborne troops. Then Moscow, study and medicine. But Lord's fates are not known. I have become a priest, there were new tasks, aims appeared and of course problems with difficulties... But love to sky and friends - parachutists remained. Sometimes I take part with team in demonstrative parachute jumps. Once I was "spotted" by regional television. For our small town this fact is very vivid to take no notice of. There were articles in the newspapers appeared and they even made a film about "unusual parson". It happened what I have told of.
Every person was keen of something in his childhood. Somebody made a collection of postage stamps, somebody collected badges, somebody took pictures. My hobby was strengthened by new present "Zenith" gifted by parents.
Today looking through old childish photographs I am astonished by their frankness. A child takes pictures without any fear and hesitation concerning laws of photographic composition and strict opinion of professionals. He looks around with pure innocent heart. Isn't it a reason why all around the world are interested in child's photography?
Now for me photography is more than just a hobby. Behind vanity of the life problems we all rarely catch sight of world's beauty that is just a small reflection of beauty of Heaven World. We very seldom think about eternity as if we are no concern of it, forgetting to thank Lord for His mercy to us. Photography like any other art is called at certain stage to indicate for man direction towards God, because first of all He is perceived through His creatures. And then by deeds and by life itself, man will become always to extol Him...
Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord! (Psalms 150,6).
Anastasia Lipatova
Yuri Stepanov
Priest Dimitrii Sverdlov