Alexei, omul lui Dumnezeu

Alexandru Krasotkin."Alexei, omul lui Dumnezeu".

I met him in outskirts of Kuznetsovka - a little village of Tversk on bezhenka road with old destroyed temples and overgrown cemetery and tilted crosses. I was taking pictures while he was talking to his cows the way we do - sometimes blandly and quite, sometimes sharply and out of spite. He came first and began to tell that he tended cows all his life from childhood and drove them always the same way - from village to cemetery and then on slope to the river and back. Most of all I was surprised was enthusiasm and brightness when he was telling me about it. All life - always the same way: from village to cemetery and then on slope to the river and back and it's every routine, from year into year… no towns, no countries, nothing - just the same Life Circle. Finally he asked me:
- Hey, man, buy cigarettes, and don't buy "Prima", it's with film and has a foul smell. Take "Pegas" better, and money… I'll give it to you as soon as get salary…
And now, sitting at my office, amongst computers, news, pile of papers and looking at the picture, I'm recalling him and warmed by the thought that next time, passing by, whatever might happen, no doubt, I would meet him going the same way and I give him a wave…


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